
Seven Minerals Sore Muscles Magnesium Spray

June 26, 2024

Currently available: $24.95  Visit their site to learn more

Spray away the pain! Our friends at Seven Minerals offer a plethora of natural, alternative products that enhance your everyday life, and their Sore Muscles Magnesium Spray is a must have in the TrailblazerGirl’s medicine cabinet and/or first aid kit. Magnesium is an important mineral in the body that performs a variety of functions, including muscle and nerve function, energy production, and mood regulation. Studies have shown that topical application of magnesium is helpful in alleviating muscle and joint pains, muscle cramps, and nerve pain. Formulated with 100% pure magnesium oil, this spray is mixed with organic essential oils like black pepper, orange and Sweet Marjoram to help stimulates the circulatory system, aid in pain relief, and act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Give the bottle a good shake, spray directly on achy or cramped muscles, and massage gently for quick relief following a long hike or run. So the next time you’ve overdone it a bit, reach for the Seven Minerals Sore Muscles Magnesium Spray!
